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Artifex: A story to help Latin students
build their reading skills f
rom beginner to intermediate
Supplementary Teacher Resources
I - Quis est in familia?
II - Quis est in urbe?
III - Ubi habitant et laborant?
IV - Quid gerunt?
V - Quid celebras?
VI - Quo ire necesse est?
VII - Cur hoc accidit?
VIII - Qualem animum habere vis?
IX - Quomodo difficultates superantur?
X - Qui cibi apud te apponuntur?
XI - Quid credis esse?
XII - Quales sunt sodales tibi?
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Supplementary Teacher Resources
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Pre-read activities
Scroll down for more!
Capitulum 1.1 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 1.2 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 1.3 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 2.1 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 2.2 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 2.3 Basic Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 2.3 Advanced Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 4.2 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 7.1 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 8.4 Pre-Read Salutatio
Capitulum 10.1 Pre-Read Salutatio
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