Artifex: A story to help Latin students
build their reading skills from beginner to intermediate
Index of Topics
Liber I
Liber II
Liber III
1.1 Word Order
1.2 Subject and words that describe the subject
1.2 Direct Object
1.2 Gender
1.3 Vocative
1.4 Infinitive
1.4 Imperative
1.2 The House of the Tragic Poet
1.3 Roman Numerals
1.4 Larēs
1.1 ecce
1.3 maior et minor
1.1 cave canem
2.2 Pronoun
2.3 Verbs and Their Subjects
2.3 Pronoun matching
2.3 Imperative - Singular and Plural
2.3 Double Direct Object
2.3 Diminutive
2.5 Negative Imperatives
Societal Roles
City Politics
2.4 Mosaics
2.4 Poenī (Phoenicians)
2.4 Patrons and Clients
2.6 Election Graffiti
2.1 servus
2.2 cenāculum
2.2 pavimentum Poenicum
2.2 patrōnus
2.3 culīna
2.4 salūtātiō
2.5 ad ianuam patrōnī
2.5 tablīnum
2.5 scriptor
2.6 duumvir
2.6 aedilis
2.1 Advertisement for Ludi
2.5 Advertisement for Properties Owned by Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius
2.6 Poem Found on a Wall in Pompeii
2.6 Election Notices
3.2 Nominative
3.2 Accusative
3.2 Prepositions
3.3 Vocative
3.3 Ablative
3.3 suus, a, um / eius
3.4 Genitive
3.1 Roman gift giving
3.1 donum
3.3 macellum
3.4 Martial Dominus Epigram
Liber IV
Liber V
4.1 Past Tense (preview)
4.2 Past, Present and Future (preview)
4.2 Reflexive Pronouns (3rd Person)
Demonstrative Pronouns:
hic, haec, hoc
4.2 Perfect Tense
Demonstrative Pronouns:
ille, illa, illud
4.3 Imperfect Tense
Female Clothing
4.1 balneum
4.1 apodyterium
4.1 ancilla
4.1 Tertullian - How One Really Feels about Wearing a Toga
5.1 Future Tense
5.1 Reflexive Pronouns (1st, 2nd, 3rd Person)
5.2 To Be: Perfect, Present and Future
5.3 Future Forms
5.3 Comparison of Past, Present and Future Forms
5.4 Dative (Basic Concept)
5.4 Declension
(1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Male Clothing
Coming of Age
5.2 Major Roman Deities
5.2 ad Infinitum
5.2 id est
5.2 et aliī
5.2 ōrāculum
5.3 iam
5.3 lībertus
5.3 caldārium
5.3 Seneca - Living Above the Baths
5.4 Pliny the Elder - Famous Female Painter
Liber VI
Liber VII
Liber VIII
Liber IX
Liber X
6.1 Neuter
(2nd and 3rd Declension)
6.2 Accusative Duration of Time
6.2 Demonstrative Pronoun Forms
6.2 Ablative of Time
6.4 Locative (Preview)
6.5 Relative Pronouns and Clauses
6.6 Prefixed Words
6.6 i-stem Nouns
Wall Painting
6.3 Isis
6.5 Venātiōnēs
6.5 Sīrēn
6.1 animālia
6.1 partēs corporis
6.2 exemplī grātiā
6.2 sacerdōs
6.2 stilum vertere
6.3 initiātus
6.4 colōrēs
6.5 vēnātiō
6.6 fēlix
6.6 tulit
6.3 Vitruvius - Egyptian Reverence for Water
6.4 Sir Isaac Newton - Breaking Light into Colors
6.4 Vitruvius - Preparing Walls for Frescoes
6.5 Epitaph of Gnaeus Alleius Nigidius Maius
6.5 Seneca - Negative Effects of the Spectacles
6.5 Advertisement for Ludi
6.6 Pliny the Elder - Sculptor at the Port
6.6 Seneca - Earthquake at Pompeii
7.1 Dative
7.1 Possessive Adjectives
7.1 Pure i-stem Nouns
7.2 4th Declension
7.2 domō/domī/domum
7.5 Pluperfect
7.5 Place to Which
7.5 Locative Forms
7.5 Place from Which
7.6 Future Perfect
7.1 Rōmulus et Remus
7.1 Vestālis
7.1 flūmen Tiberis
7.1 dī Rōmānī
7.1 augurium
7.4 Prōserpina
7.4 Plūtō
7.4 Herculēs
7.4 Orpheus
7.5 Aenēas
7.1 frātricīda
7.2 imāgō māiōrum
7.3 caupōna
7.3 signum
7.4 poenās dare
7.5 et cētera
7.5 dolus
7.1 Cicero - Naming Rome
7.1 Livy - Romulus and Remus
7.1 Varro - Naming Rome
7.2 Seneca - Earthquake of Feb 5, 62AD
7.4 Ovid - Proserpina
7.5 Vergil - Laocoon and the Trojan Horse
7.6 Catullus - I Hate and I Love
8.1 Adjectives (Positive, Comparative and Superlative)
8.1 Adverbs
8.1 Diminutive
8.2 Adverb Forms
8.2 Indefinite Pronouns
8.3 Adverbs (Comparative and Superlative)
8.3 3rd Declension Neuter Accusatives
8.3 5th Declension
8.4 Adjectives Used as Nouns
8.4 Noting Dialogue
8.4 suus / eius (refresher)
8.5 Participles (Present and Perfect)
8.1 Roman Numerals
8.1 Laudātiō Turiae
8.1 Marcus Lepidus
8.2 Circus Maximus
8.2 Forum Rōmānum
8.2 Jupiter Optimus Maximus
8.5 Via Appia
8.5 magistrātūs
8.5 Aqua Appia
8.1 Common Pronouns
8.1 quīdam
8.1 sepulcrum
8.1 et aliī
8.1 spatium vītae
8.1 vir
8.1 benignitāte
8.1 orbis terrārum
8.1 iustitia
8.2 nōvistis
8.2 princeps ipse
8.2 habitāre / vīvere
8.2 speculātor
8.3 fātum
8.3 abstulit
8.3 ex animō
8.3 rēs
8.4 dum spīrō spērō
8.5 nobilitās
8.5 urbānitās
8.5 iūs suffrāgiī
8.5 avē atque valē
8.1 Horace - I Built a Monument
8.1 Epitaph Warnings
8.3 Epitaph to a Puppy
8.3 Seneca - Morals and Fortune
8.3 Carl Orff - O Fortune
8.4 Seneca - Fearing in Advance
8.5 Ovid and Cicero - Appius Claudius Caecus 8.5 Frontinus - The Aqueducts of Rome
9.1 Ablative Absolute
9.1 4th Principal Part
9.1 Perfect Passive Verbs
9.1 Participles without a Noun to Match
9.1 Ablative of Agent
9.1 Ablative of Means
9.1 quam + superlative
9.1 Perfect Passive Infinitive (Preview)
9.2 Future Perfect Passive Verbs
9.2 Degree of Difference
9.2 Pluperfect Passive Verbs
9.2 Subjects of Passive Verbs
9.2 Double Dative
9.3 Present Perfect
9.3 Present Passive Infintive
9.4 Ablative of Comparison
9.4 Future Passive Verbs
9.4 Imperfect Passive Verbs
9.4 4th Declension Neuter
9.5 Deponent Verbs
9.5 quod
9.1 lūdus glādiātōrius
9.2 Midas
9.3 Roman Medicine
9.3 Cleopātra
9.4 Perseus and the Minotaur
9.5 Bāiae
9.5 Stoicism
9.5 fāta
9.1 id est
9.2 quodcumque
9.2 quidquid
9.2 quodlibet
9.2 ad infīnītum
9.2 homō sapiens
9.2 cuī bonō
9.3 acētō madefactum
9.3 vītam agere
9.1 Martial Undertaker Epigram
9.1 Seneca - Conquering Terrible Things
9.1 Livy - Mucius Scaevola
9.1 Cicero - Belief in the Underworld
9.1 Seneca - Understanding Nature
9.2 Ovid - Midas
9.3 Seneca - Tranquility
9.3 Pliny the Elder - Healing Bruises
9.3 Pliny the Elder - Healing Dog Bites
9.4 Ovid - The Minotaur and Daedalus
9.4 Ovid - Ariadne
9.5 Tacitus - Seneca
9.5 Suetonius - Nero
10.1 Indirect Statements
10.1 Present, Perfect and Future Active Infinitive
10.1 Masculine 1st Declension Nouns
10.1 īdem, eadem, idem
10.2 Perfect Passive Infinitives
10.3 Tense Sequence in Indirect Statements
10.3 Future Active Participle
10.3 Indirect Command
10.3 Present and Imperfect Subjunctive
10.3 ut / ne
10.3 Independent Subjuncives
10.4 Subjunctive - volō, nōlō, malō
10.5 Purpose Clause
10.5 Indirect Question
10.5 Subjunctive of eō
10.5 Hortatory
10.5 Greek Accusative
Roman Dining
10.1 Tarquinius Superbus
10.2 The lyre and the cithara
10.2 Petronius
10.3 Phaeothon
10.4 Pillleum
10.4 Forum Augustī
10.1 in locō prīmō
10.1 paterfamilias
10.2 sal
10.2 vidērī / sibi vidētur
10.3 bene māne
10.1 Aulus Gellius and Scriptōrēs Historiae Augustae - The Appropriate Number of Guests for a Dinner Party
10.1 Apicius - Recipes
10.2 Catullus - You Will Dine Well
10.2 Seneca - Pleasure from Simple Foods
10.2 Apicius - Dessert Recipe
10.2 Cato - Cheesecake Recipe
10.3 Ovid - Phaethon
10.4 Vergil - Trojan Horse
10.4 Seneca - Crowds
10.5 Seneca - Animus
10.5 Seneca - Boyishness
10.5 Suetonius - Nero
Liber XI
Liber XII
11.1 Subjunctive of sum
11.1 Material Adjectives
11.1 Dum Clause
11.1 hic and ille as Personal Pronouns
11.1 iste, ista, istud
11.1 Fearing Clause
11.1 vōs Genitive Forms
11.2 Conditionals
11.2 Substantive Participles
11.2 Perfect Deponent Participles
11.2 Domus Forms
11.2 Appositive
11.2 Result Clause
11.3 Jussive Subjunctive
11.3 Potential Subjunctive
11. 3 Perfect Active Subjunctive
11.4 Perfect, Pluperfect Passive Subunctive
11.4 Cum Clause
11.4 Preposition in the MIddle
11.5 Optative Subjunctive
11.5 Indefinite Pronouns
11.3 Claudius
11.4 Domus Transitoria
11.5 Dice Throws
11.1 an
11.4 "so" words
11.4 insula
11.1 Petronius - Werewolf
11.1 Petronius - cavē canem
11.2 Pliny the Younger - Ghost Story
11.3 Suetonius - Nero's Password
11.3 Tacitus - Claudius Eats Mushrooms
11.3 Suetonius - Britannicus
11.3 Tacitus - Nero's Guardians
11.3 Vergil - Mānēs
11.4 Juvenal - Building Collapses
11.4 Juvenal - Inequities Due to Wealth
11.5 Vergil - Sleep
12.1 Gerund
12.1 Gerund of Purpose
12.1 Gerund with a Direct Object
12.1 Deponent Imperative
12.1 Gerundive
12.1 Gerundive vs. Gerund
12.2 Possessive Adjectives as Substantives
12.2 Gerundive of Necessity
12.2 Genitive of Description
12.3 Subjunctive Conditionals
12.3 Ablative Absolute with Two Nouns
12.3 Gerund of Purpose
12.3 Future Passive Infinitive
12.4 Negative Command with the Subjunctive
12. 5 Present Perfect
Roman Music and Poetry
12.2 Sīlius Italicus
12.2 Hērōidēs
12.2 Dīdō
12.4 tibia
12.1 prandēre
12.1 singulīs diēbus
12.2 ūnā vōce
12.2 peristylium
12.2 cryptoporticus
12.2 virgō / iuvenis
12.2 mīliēs / centiēs
12.2 fās
12.3 vītam agere
12.3 Babylōniōs numerōs temptāre
12.3 nefās
12.3 mortem obīre
12.4 ut melius
12.4 quam maximē
12.5 meminisse
12.5 prīma hōra
12.5 propinqua / familia
12.1 Cicero - Lunch
12.1 Pliny the Elder - Nero's Painter
12.2 Horace - Now There Must be Drinking
12.2 Catullus - Napkin Thief
12.2 Pliny the Younger - Silius Italicus
12.2 Ovid - Dido to Aeneas
12.2 Iohanna Othonia - Pleasure from Literature
12.2 Silius Italicus - The Punic Wars
12.3 Suetonius - Lucan
12.3 - Catullus - A Dazzling Girl May Call You Back
12.4 Horace - Carpe Diem
12.4 Seneca - Hunger and Thirst
12.4 Apuleius Madaurensis - Music
12.4 Cornelius Nepos - Readings